In developing countries like Pakistan, girls tend to inherit the poverty status of their mothers. Many young women are exposed to abuse or virtually enslaved in their homes and never get the chance to break the cycle of poverty. Also in developing nations, there are limited employments opportunities for women, so many don’t see the need to go to school. By circumstance, the world views of girls have often narrowed to the point of mere sustenance living, with no time or regard for their own foreseeable future.
Fortunately, this has been changing in recent decades. Across the world, girls and women have made enormous strides in advancing their position in life; becoming leaders in their communities, improving the quality of life for themselves and their children, and increasing their lifetime earning potential. What has been a common thread for these women? Education.
Education is a key part of strategies to improve individuals’ well-being and societies’ economic and social development. If women of rural areas are provided with adequate preparation, they can stand against any problem in a better manner. Many people, especially young women are still excluded from education.
In this respect, government of Pakistan has not come up with any solid policies. There should be proper legislations and laws for women’s education and empowerment. The government should make efforts to ensure the education is more accessible to low-income families and rural population, with special attention to the quality of the education provided and the need for girls to complete their school before getting married.
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