Indus Television invited DSF team to participate in its morning show in Karachi studio. Masarat Misbah and brave survivor Kanwal Asher were the guests. Kanwal Ashar is a model survivor who fought hard against the mishap and struggled back to be a normal healthy being of society. She narrated that when the acid throwing incident happened she was lucky that her eyes and eyesight were saved. But her face and eyes were so swollen that she could not look up and remained in the hospital for many months. Eventually her family got in touch with DSF. A series of surgeries was arranged and by the grace of God she has fully recovered. She took advance beauty courses from Depilex Smile again Beauty Institute Karachi.
More good luck was to come her way when she participated in the ‘Pehchan Ramazan’ program on Geo Television.  A boy from Karachi who was watching this program proposed to marry her. DSF in collaboration with Geo TV made all arrangements and Kanwal Yousaf was happily married to Ashar. She is now a proud mother of a child.
Masarrat Misbah shared that Kanwal is an exceptionally brave survivor. She did not show any signs of discouragement following the sad incident in her life. She remained hopeful throughout the difficult period of long treatment.